Heaven’s eyes on me!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 24:26-31
“He will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.” (Matthew 24:30)
For the first Jesus followers, persecution scattered them throughout the middle east (Acts 8:1).
The devil does his best to scatter and disperse Jesus’ followers, but that only spreads the fire!
“Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” (Acts 8:4)
No matter where we may end up, Jesus knows where we are, and will one day come for us.
But what about those who were burned at the stake, and their ashes cast to the wind?
Nothing, not even the flames and the wind, can separate us from His love (Romans 8:37-39).
This is so encouraging for us as Jesus followers, especially when things seem to go wrong.
Satan does his best to make us think Jesus does not see, does not know, does not care.
But nowhere “from one end of the heavens to the other” are we separated from His loving eyes.
Jesus makes it very clear that life as a Jesus follower will NOT be easy.
Distress can come in many shapes and sizes – persecution, disaster, illness, tragedy, death.
The devil wants us to doubt and despair, to give in to discouragement and defeat.
But we BELONG to Him, and His angels are watching, they will lead us home.
Jesus follower, let this encourage you, no matter where life takes you!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am Yours. Nothing can separate me from Your love. Your angels have their eyes on me. They will lead me home to You. Guaranteed!

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