No need to be alarmed?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 24:1-8
“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.” (Matthew 24:6)
Sometimes, like the disciples, we can be so impressed with what our world can accomplish?
But Jesus sees beyond our supposed greatness to the reality of the broken human heart.
Human depravity cannot be capped or contained, it is only a matter of time before it surfaces.
Events in recent decades are revealing the fault lines of an imminent social quake.
These things have always happened, history has always swung between glory and gory.
Jesus here predicts that this will gain momentum toward the end, the beginning of the birth pangs.
And then He says ‘no need to be alarmed!’… is He serious?
We should not be surprised by the rise of corruption, violence, immorality or extremism…
But nor should we be derailed by them, thrown into fear and despair.
Whenever alarming things happen, remind yourself that its all part of God’s kingdom plan.
And then renew your resolve to join in on God’s kingdom work, loving and serving in Jesus’ Name.
No matter who rises to power, no matter what happens politically, socially, economically…
Jesus urges us to stand firm in His love, joy, peace – shining like a light in a dark, dark world.
This is what impresses Him… not our buildings, homes, bank accounts, church attendance, etc.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, being alarmed won’t do any good, it will only feed the worlds crisis. May tough times only make us more determined to show the world Your better way, to impress the world with Your kingdom of love!

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