Willing to open the door?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 23:37-39
“How often I have longed to gather your children together… and you were not willing.” (Matthew 23:37)
In this picture, a very religious family is busy doing their religious duty.
They sit as a family and listen to the bible, but they don’t hear Jesus knocking.
Jesus wants to be a part of their home life, but their home is closed to Him.
This picture beautifully portrays how Jesus felt about the religious leaders.
I grew up with the experience of religion, I knew its doctrines, practices and ethic.
I converted to ‘churchianity’, and even became a religious leader in the church.
But all the while Jesus was knocking, and I was not opening the door.
Jesus was pleading with me to let Him save me from religion, and restore me to relationship.
It was after I became a minister and served as church leader that I came to know Jesus personally.
Knowing Jesus personally, knowing His heart for me and His desire for my best, is liberating.
In church, I was so close, yet so far; Jesus was right there, but I didn’t know Him.
I still struggle to not let church and religion take over my life, it is very subtle.
But now at least I am willing, I want to hear His Voice, I want Him to hold me close!
May the epitaph of my life not be, “and you were not willing!” (Matthew 23:37
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I don’t want a book or religious duty, I want You and God as the center of my life. I am willing, but I am slow to learn. Keep knocking, I’m coming!

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