Theological humility!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 22:23-33
“You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God.” (Matthew 22:29)
A big part of my job is reading, interpreting and applying the bible.
Depending on how you read the bible, you can totally miss the point, and cause great harm.
Jesus rebukes these religious leaders for their failure to know God and the scriptures.
They dissected the bible with their ‘great minds’, yet did not consider the ‘greatness’ of God.
What they said ‘made sense’ to them, so that must be how it was.
People today (and through history) construct elaborate systems of interpretation, with bizarre results.
Others reject the bible because it doesn’t make sense to their great minds.
We need to humble our minds before God and the story of the bible.
We must hold our beliefs gently, with humility, always open to the greater possibilities of God.
My hope is in Jesus, not the scriptures (John 5:39), nor in my theology systems or creeds.
I can guarantee that I have many errors in my beliefs, that I have much to learn about the scriptures.
But my hope is in the power of God as shown in Jesus, He is greater than all my thoughts about Him!
As I read scriptures, I need to silence my voice, to hear His Voice.
I need to stop dissecting the bible to fit into my head; and let it dissect me to fit in God’s heart!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive me for reducing You to fit into my theology. May Your Spirit continue to humble and help my heart and mind to find You and Your truth in the pages of scripture.

One Comment

  1. God’s Word.
    The Sadducees said there was no resurrection.
    Blinded by their own way, their own thinking, their own interpretation, not knowing the scriptures, limited vision, seeing only what they could see with their own eyes.
    Life, true life is only a possibility when our eyes have been opened by the working of the Spirit. We must know the Scriptures and we must know and believe the power of His Holy Spirit to open our eyes to fully know Him. May He fully guide us daily as we live out His Word each day anew.

    Water You turned into wine
    Opened the eyes of the blind
    There’s no one like you
    None like you
    Into the darkness You shine
    Out of the ashes we rise
    There`s No one like you
    None like you
    Our God is greater, our God is stronger
    God You are higher than any other
    Our God is Healer, awesome in power
    Our God, Our God
    Into the darkness you shining
    Out of the ashes we Rise
    No one like you
    None like you
    Our God is greater, our God is stronger
    God You are higher than any other
    Our God is Healer, awesome in power
    Our God, Our God
    Our God is greater, our God is stronger
    God You are higher than any other
    Our God is Healer, awesome in power
    Our God, Our God
    And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us?
    And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
    And if…

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