Golden opportunities!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Joshua 14-16
“Here I am today, eighty-five years old… The Lord helping me, I will drive them out! (Joshua 14:10,12)
I turned 50 this year, and I do not have the strength and energy I had 25 years ago.
My body is reminding me regularly that it is getting tired, and I can’t treat it like I used to.
But as I hear Caleb speak, I am both humbled and inspired.
Oh that I could have his enthusiasm for God now, let alone at the age of 85.
I am a part of more conversations with people about retirement, theirs or mine.
But what is retirement for a Jesus follower, and what could it be?
I have known a few senior Jesus-followers whose fire of faith burned bright, despite their age.
They shared Caleb’s boldness, and would not let outward limitations put out their inner fire!
“Though outwardly wasting away, yet inwardly being renewed day by day.” (2 Corinthians 4:16)
The call to be like Jesus never ends; we never retire from opportunities to love.
Old age means more challenges, retirement more opportunities; love can shine through it all.
The golden years are not so golden after all, but His golden love can still ignite my heart.
With the Lord’s help may I drive out the spirit of grumpiness, complaining, or giving up.
With His help may I be strong and vigorous with love, joy and peace – for as long as I have breath!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may Your golden love shine through my not-so-golden years. May the spirit of Caleb keep me from retiring from You!

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