Leading from our knees!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 20:24-28
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” (Matthew 20:28)
How might Jesus change a toxic work environment, or defuse a war zone?
How might Jesus overcome racial tensions, or deal with religious diversity and disagreement?
Except for one instance (turning tables in the temple), Jesus normally used gentle grace.
He associated with rich and poor, religious and irreligious, Roman sympathizers and Jewish zealots.
He offered God’s hand of mercy in service to all, healing the horrors of sin with humble love.
Jesus makes it clear that our kingdom leadership needs to be like His.
So why do so many Christians resort to worldly methods and power plays?
Yelling, protesting, condemning, demanding our rights just like everyone else.
We prefer to turn the tables on than to wash the feet of our enemies.
If our presence at work or home or society does not serve to bless, are we following Jesus?
It may seem weak, it may seem contrary to success, but THIS is the Jesus Way.
God is looking for leaders like Jesus, who lead from the bottom, not from the top!
For not with swords loud clashing, nor roll of stirring drums;
with deeds of love and mercy the heavenly kingdom comes.

What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for reminding me recently that grace-politics is more effective than power politics. Impress on my proud heart that there is no higher calling than joining You on Your knees.

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