Here I am, Lord, use me!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Numbers 26-29
“Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him.” (Numbers 27:18)
Buried in this boring reading on a census and regulations for offerings, I find this gem.
Joshua is a man in whom is the spirit of leadership.
Not just the gift of leadership, but the spirit of leadership.
Not just the Spirit of leadership, but the spirit of leadership.
Joshua’s inner spirit or being – his heart – is the heart of a leader.
In other words, he is passionate and eager to love people on to God’s agenda.
He is not content to mind his own business, or just build his own kingdom.
Yes, he had the Spirit of leadership, and the gift of leadership.
But what made Joshua useful was that he had a heart for leading for God.
I have gifts, and I have the Spirit, but do I have the spirit or heart to use them for God?
God has a purpose and task for everyone in His kingdom, but He needs our willing hearts.
Sadly, there are many with the Spirit and the gifts, yet not willing, not available.
Churches are filled with many like this, who are not saying ‘use me where, when and how You desire.’
Ahh, but am I saying this… am I surrendered to Your kingdom, devoted to Your will???
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have Your Spirit, and I have gifts from You. What you need from me is a spirit of surrender. Here I am, Lord. Use me.

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