Mercy remains!

mercyremainsTHE STORY OF JESUS: Numbers 17-20
“Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.” (Numbers 20:12)
God’s business of restoring His creation kingdom is serious.
As God’s mission team, especially leaders, we need to take their job seriously.
For the nation of Israel, the Law described that seriousness.
Much was at stake, not only God’s honor, but also the whole plan of salvation.
In Numbers 20:1-13, Moses and Aaron explode in rage before the people.
God is dishonored by their dishonorable behavior before the people.
Their punishment is that they will not enter the promised land of rest.
I sense two lessons from this – for me as a leader, but really for all of us as God’s missionary team.
First, we need to do what we do in a way that honors God, and helps those watching us.
We are accountable for what we do; our actions have consequences – for God, for us, and others.
Second, though we may be punished, that does not mean we are rejected.
Moses and Aaron did not enter the promised land, but they were still ‘saved’ for eternity.
Our failures as Christians and leaders will hinder us from enjoying the rewards God promises here.
But they do not mean we forfeit God’s eternal grace.
A pastor who has an affair and loses her ordination misses out on God’s plans through her.
Her actions bring dishonor to God, harm His cause, and keep her from enjoying His blessing.
But like Moses, she can still stand one day by-grace-alone among God’s redeemed family.
I am aware of my failures as a Jesus follower, and a leader, and it is not pleasant to face them.
But I still rely on grace, and still have hope, that with God every day is a new day.
And one day I will see His blessing and reward – undeserved and unreserved!
May I strive to live with honor today, but always be assured of grace for today and tomorrow!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have missed out on so much You have wanted to do in and through me, because of my own stubbornness. I admit my failures, but I also trust in You for mercy, and begin again today to live for You!

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