Neon Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 16:1-4
“A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah.” (v.4)
Jesus was like a neon sign, shining with God’s love and mercy and hope.
The religious leaders did not see it in Jesus because they preferred the darkness.
I feel deeply that Jesus, and the Jesus Way, is the only hope of the world.
Not religion, not christianity, not church, but Jesus and the Jesus Way.
Not politics, not science, not business, but Jesus and the Jesus Way.
Skeptics demand proof for our beliefs, but like Jesus we do not need to ‘prove’ it.
Instead, like Jesus, we need to show it by how we live, and love, and lead in the world.
The sign of Jonah, how Jonah survived the ‘depths’ to shine for God in Nineveh.
Jonah witnessed for God in the corrupt capitol of Assyria, and they repented.
No magic show, no spectacular or powerful signs, just a humble witness to the truth.
If people want proof, let them be convinced by how we live, not by how we argue or impress.
As Jesus-followers, we are to shine as neon signs of faith, hope, love, joy, peace, mercy.
As our world spirals out of control, we will point people to Jesus and the Jesus Way.
How should we respond to terrorism, or the election of Trump, or economic disparity?
How should we respond to racism, hate, fear, physical or mental illness?
The same way Jesus did: by showing the world how God overcomes evil… with goodness!
May we as Jesus followers become neon signs, shining with God’s love and mercy and hope.
Of all the signs of the times, nothing will outshine Jesus and the Jesus Way.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see the power of love, that deeds of mercy and kindness not only serve as signs pointing to You, but through them You are changing the world!

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