Do I REALLY want to follow?

“At the Lord’s command they encamped, at the Lord’s command they set out.” (Numbers 9:23)
Moses and the people are 100% dependent on God’s direction.
He gave them a cloud to follow; they were to keep in step with God’s leading.
“The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (John 5:19)
Jesus was 100% dependent on God’s direction, but He did not have a cloud to follow.
How did Jesus discern God’s direction?
It seems that scripture and prayer was how Jesus followed God’s direction.
The Spirit directed Him through His knowledge of scripture, and His personal dialogue with God.
We often find Jesus quoting scripture, and spending much time alone with God in prayer.
We are 100% dependent on God’s direction too, and we are led like Jesus was.
We have scripture, prayer and the Spirit/Counselor who teaches us which way to go (John 14:26).
“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)
The Spirit leads us through prayer and bible-reading – this is how we follow God.
The closer we are to the Lord in fellowship, the clearer His guidance will be.
But this is great theory, what about in practice – do you really rely on God 100% for His direction?
I make decisions every day, about where to go and what to do or say; is God part of those decisions?
I will admit it, it is not always clear what way God wants me to go.
That said, I wonder if I actually talked my decisions through with Him, that He might be clearer than I want.
I suspect we often do know what God might say, but we prefer not to hear it.
Here is the real issue: DO I WANT TO GO WHERE GOD WANTS TO TAKE ME?
Really, honestly, seriously?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this is a huge question, what I really need to pray about. Do I want to go where You want to take me?

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