Sinful attitudes exposed!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 15:21-28
“It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” (Matthew 15:26)
I find what Jesus says troubling, calling this woman and her daughter ‘dogs’.
But I wonder if we are not getting the whole story here.
Keep in mind at that time Canaanites and Jews were not on friendly terms.
It is very likely that she had often described Jews as dogs.
And Jesus uses her own thoughts and words against her, to convict her.
Her desperation suddenly makes her humble, and willing to submit to a Jew.
Jesus has helped non-Jews other times, He even travels in their lands as well.
But here He seems to be challenging this lady, making her eat ‘humble pie’.
Her response shows that she is humbled, and will come to God however He asks for mercy.
We must all reach this point of humility, and come to Him on our knees in honesty.
Jesus wants to help us – and all people – but He cannot when we’re so full of ourselves.
He will expose our arrogance, our self-confidence, our judgmental spirits.
He will show us how our attitudes towards God and others hinder us and hurt others.
His rebuke may seem sharp, but He knows our hearts, and He wants to help us.
Where might Jesus be speaking bluntly to you?
Where do you need to admit unhealthy and unholy attitudes and desires?
He can’t help us until we are emptied of self, and desperate for His mercy.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, show me where I am judgmental, critical, arrogant, full of myself. May I be more than offended, may I be humbled, that I may receive Your mercy!

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