Life is precious!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Leviticus 16-17
For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.” (Leviticus 17:11)
God makes us alive by His Spirit; blood keeps us alive, giving our body what we need to survive.
God is impressing on His people that life is precious.
The pagan practices (like sacrifices to goat idols, 17:7) involves drinking blood.
No humans could be sacrificed, and ONLY the prescribed animal sacrifices were permitted.
We receive life from God, and we owe our lives to God.
The once-a-year atonement sacrifices showed the people that He would take care of their sin and guilt.
Remember, it is sin that causes all the bloodshed in our world, for it cheapens life.
The few sacrifices that were allowed were designed to impress on people that life is a gift.
When we see the death of Jesus, we see both the preciousness of life, and the sacrifice of love.
The animal sacrifices did not really change our sinful condition; they were signs pointing to God.
Jesus – God with us – changes our sinful condition, through the covenant of His blood.
“This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26:28)
When we ‘drink’ Jesus’ blood in communion, we are not being morbid or celebrating death.
We are recognizing and valuing the precious gift of life, for us and for all people.
And we are honouring the loving sacrifice of Jesus life for us, the ultimate gift of life for us.
The day of atonement and the blood regulations can still remind us of God’s grace to us.
But these symbols are only pale shadows of the greatest sign of all – Jesus’ life for us!
May we continue to honour His blood, His life, is love – and all life in Him.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for neglecting the gift of life – including the unborn. Help us to see each person as a precious, much loved, gift of God.

One Comment

  1. Blood and water.
    The life of any creature is blood.
    Blood keeps me alive physically, but it is the blood of Jesus that keeps me alive spiritually. His blood is the LIFE giving blood. The blood of Jesus has given me life indeed.
    And water.
    Water is also life giving. It also keeps me alive physically.
    Yet water also cleanses. Water washes away the dirt.
    As the priests had to wash themselves to be present before the Lord, I need to wash myself by His blood to be present in His presence. Jesus’s blood made this a possibility. He washes away my sin so that I can come into His presence.
    Thank You Lord.

    1 Come into God’s presence singing

    2 Come into God’s presence singing
    “Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord,
    Jesus is Lord.”

    3 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb,
    worthy the Lamb.”

    4 Praise the Lord together singing
    “Glory to God,
    glory to God,
    glory to God.”

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