Mustard seed confidence!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 13:31-35
“I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.” (Matthew 13:35)
As I understand it, the kingdom of God is THIS world under God-like human rulers.
This is how God set up His creation kingdom at “the creation of the world”.
But since we were ejected from paradise, it has been hidden to us.
To us, God’s kingdom looks small, like a mustard seed… but one day, what a tree!
To us, God’s kingdom looks weak, like a tiny bit of yeast… but one, what a loaf!
One day we will rest in God’s garden again, like birds in the mustard tree.
One day we will sit at God’s table again, a table filled with baked delights.
If we look around us, we do not see a mighty kingdom, or quickly expanding kingdom.
But the reality of God’s kingdom is all around us, hidden from human experience.
Until Jesus came; He is the new Adam, the God-like Son of God that rejects the serpent’s lies.
Jesus has reclaimed Adam’s place, and now is officially in charge of heaven and earth.
He reigns in the heavenly realms OVER the spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 1:20; 6:20).
And we have been blessed in the heavenly realms, seated with Him over evil (Ephesians 1:3, 2:6).
Who is in charge of this world… not Satan, but Jesus, and we reign Him.
Genesis 1:26-28 has been restored, and God’s kingdom is all around us.
We see it by faith, though it remains hidden to others, clouded by sin and confusion.
We see the tiny seeds growing, we see the tiny yeast spreading.
And one day, every eye will see, and every tongue will confess… the kingdom of our God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to focus on the little signs that point to the great truth. Every act of kindness and mercy, every sign of healing and hope, every captive soul released, every broken person restored… Your kingdom comes!!!

One Comment

  1. The smallest and yet the greatest – the mustard seed. It grows and the birds come and perch in the branches because of the fruit it produces.
    The yeast in the dough is mixed throughout and transforms the dough the dough into bread – life giving bread.
    Both parables produced ‘food’ for life.
    Jesus Christ does the same. When we accept Him then we too are transformed into agents of the kingdom – kingdom builders – doing His work – Spirit driven. And in this way we too are returning to Eden where once upon a time all was good. Kingdom builders is what we are as His children.

    Make me a servant
    Humble and meek
    Lord let me lift up
    Those who are weak
    And may the prayer
    Of my heart always be
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant
    Make me a servant today

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