When we should get literal!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 12:38-42
“The Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” (Matthew 12:40)
Did Jesus rise IN three days (Matthew 26:61), AFTER three days (Matthew 27:63), ON the third day (Matthew 20:19) or after EXACTLY three days and nights (Matthew 12:40)?
The phrase ‘three days and three nights’ is a Jewish idiom or expression of time.
We need to be very careful when trying to read the bible in a plain literal way.
We cannot impose our modern understanding of language on ancient writings.
According to the gospels, Jesus was crucified on Friday afternoon, and rose early Sunday morning.
He was NOT in the grave for exactly three days and three nights.
For the literalist and for the critic, this is a huge problem.
But both of them are missing the point, and being unfair to the historical documents.
Instead of forcing Jesus into our thinking, we need to submit our minds to Jesus.
Jesus speaks these words to religious leaders who will not believe.
He gives them something to think about AFTER He comes back to life.
That like Jonah, He is a prophet – but will they listen and repent like the Ninevites?
That His wisdom is from God – but will they seek it like the Queen of Sheba?
Don’t get distracted about technical debates, listen to the heart of Jesus’ message.
What IS Jesus saying clearly throughout His ministry, and will we respond?
His message is repentance, faith, grace, mercy, peace, love, justice, hope, goodness.
Let’s start getting literal about THESE things!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to get literal about the things that matter.


  1. Yes and Amen Talia. Unfortunately Christians have often debated the technical points of interpretation to keep the focus away from their lack of obedience. Its called “straining the gnats and swallowing the camel” (Matthew 23:24).

  2. Oh gosh.
    Lol reading this made me laugh out loud. I didn’t know that people “literally” get all caught up in that. The whole three days, three nights. Until I remembered once these two people in my class had a total disagreement about this, on what day Jesus really rose from the dead and even what time and in my head I was thinking who really cares that’s not the point LITERALLY (:
    It’s do we love like Jesus? Do we see people with the eyes and heart of Jesus? Do we actively do things in likeness of his image?
    Are we bearing good fruit?
    Are we authentic and real enough to admit our struggling human nature and our desire to need Jesus?

  3. Wanting a sign.
    Jesus was a ‘walking sign.’ His parable and miracles were signs, just ask John’s disciples. That was the message to John when he was in prison. And with that sign, some of John’s disciples left John and followed Jesus as their rabbi. They got it.
    The people in Niveveh got it when Jonah proclaimed judgement.
    The Queen of Sheba got it when she spoke to Solomon.
    The religious leaders leaders didn’t get it.
    Simeon did.
    Anna did.
    And the greatest sign was that He arose. And with the gift of His Spirit I am free to live for Him if I but listen and heed His guiding.
    tdk did.

    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me
    Create in me a clean heart, oh God
    And renew a right spirit within me

    Cast me not away from Thy presence, oh Lord
    Take not Thy holy spirit from me
    Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation
    And renew a right spirit within me

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