I need your loving discipline!

“Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
I could spend time on every part of this psalm, there’s so much here.
And yet my heart gets caught on the rod and staff.
Used for prodding, pulling, or gently punishing if needed.
Yet there is comfort every time the Lord’s gentle rod of direction correction is applied.
Imagine if the Lord didn’t care, imagine if he let me do stupid things.
Sometimes discipline is withheld for love… but is that really love?
When I need to be warned or motivated, or when I need to be aware of consequences?
I don’t like having my sins and flaws revealed, it is humbling for sure.
But I would like it even less if the Lord did nothing… let me crash without warning.
He loves me and hates to see me go through the valley of the shadow of death.
He especially hates seeing me foolishly choose that path, and does his best to warn me.
Is the Lord warning you, is he trying to keep you from making a foolish decision?
Do you feel a prompting or a prodding, a persistent feeling to stop, to reconsider?
Being warned or punished isn’t fun, but he cares enough to warn us when we need it!!!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank you for your gentle rod and staff. I know I don’t always pay attention, but I’m starting to realize the ‘pain’ I receive from you is nothing compared to the pain that awaits me when I go my own way.

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