One Comment

  1. Ah the parable of the fig tree.
    I read this story and I thought time.
    Time is a gift. Time spent with loved ones, alone, or with God.
    How often do we ask for more time?
    Just more time God and I will do what you ask.
    Or perhaps we never find the time to do anything.
    I see it as the gardener who says, OK give it one more year. Let’s say God is the gardener in this case. We know that God is patience with us. We know He is ready to accept us as we are and by grace and mercy extends that to us. So what about these moments that if NO fruit grows on the tree, just cut it down really mean? (I really don’ know much about this) but I sense God saying time is precious but He cannot wait forever for us to repent, to come and to know Him. I don’t know! It’s like a hard line to wrestle with. It reminds me of your previous sermons on as followers we are to BEAR the fruit of the spirit such as joy, love, peace, patience…so the question I am asking myself is. What fruit am I bearing?Am I showing love, joy, peace, patience? Am I bearing fruit in furthering the Kingdom of God?
    haha. Wow I am all over the place with this one.

    you are welcome.

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