Day of consequences!

stopTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 11:20-24
“It will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.” (Matthew 11:24)
It sounds like Jesus is being judgmental here, doesn’t it?
But what if we are missing the heart and compassion in what Jesus is saying.
Imagine a group of homeless children living in a decrepit, dangerous old building.
You see signs of an imminent collapse and run in to warn the kids to escape.
A few listen and run, but most of them laugh and ignore you.
You show them the signs, the rumbling sounds, the cracks in the foundations, but no avail.
They’re convinced their house is strong, and you only want to make them homeless.
Out of compassion and passion, you begin to intensify your warnings.
‘This place is not your palace, it will be your casket if you don’t get out!’
‘C’mon, please listen to me or you’ll regret it… you’ll be sorry!’
Judgmental, or a loving appeal to reconsider, to change their minds, to repent.
Someone refuses to heed the warnings, and keeps on drinking, or gambling, or stealing…
The ‘day of judgment’ is not God’s revenge day, but the day of consequences.
God postpones this judgment, God sends messengers to warn us.
God sends Jesus into the crumbling building, and is crushed in the process.
But He breaks free, steps out of the ruins, and pleads with us to follow Him out.
Do we realize how serious our world situation is, how bad our sin condition is?
Are we ignoring God’s warnings, and trying to make a palace out of a crumbling ruin.
Jesus is not judging us, He is warning us, and showing us a way out!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, daily You are reminding me of the seriousness of my situation, and urging me to change my life with Your help. Help me to heed Your loving warnings now, rather than regret not listening later.

One Comment

  1. Listening. Hearing. But not really.
    Jesus had been here many a time with His show and tell ministry but the people remained the same. Ears they had but did not hear, because to hear means to do. Jesus is heart broken because the people had the great opportunity to hear and be renewed to new life – life in Christ Jesus but they remained cold-hearted. They did not change. They did not become Jesus followers.
    We/I too have had great opportunity to hear His Word and it must transform my life. I may never retire from serving Him all the days of my life. I am a Jesus follower and in Kingdom service.
    Open my eyes Lord.
    Open my ears Lord.
    Open my heart Lord.
    I give You my all.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

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