Signs of the kingdom!

hopeTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 11:1-6
“Go back and report to John what you hear and see.” (Matthew 11:4)
The Jews believed that God would send a Messiah to restore creation.
The Messiah would reverse the curse and restore the kingdom of God.
The effects of sin – blindness, lameness, death, poverty – would be made right.
Those living in the darkness of despair would see the light of hope.
Grace, mercy, peace, faith, hope, love, this is what the Messiah would bring.
John has seen the “deeds of the Messiah”, and yet he is in prison.
As God’s prophet, he had hoped things might have been better for him under the Messiah.
Jesus’ response is to direct his attention to what He (Jesus) is doing.
‘Don’t allow your circumstances to blind you to what is happening all around you!’
How many people today also cannot see Jesus’ light because all they see is their darkness.
The signs of Jesus are meant to inspire hope, to encourage those living in darkness.
Though it’s hard, try not to allow your own ‘prison walls’ to keep you from seeing signs of hope.
The war is not over, suffering continues, but the Enemy is on the run, and the victory is coming.
Every testimony of hope, of healing, of justice, of mercy is a sign that the Messiah is at work.
God’s kingdom IS being restored, even if it hasn’t come fully in your own life yet.
Look beyond your own ‘prison walls’, and see Jesus, and the signs of His coming!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, please give extra strength to those who are burdened by darkness, that they may hang on to You in hope, and not stumble away from You.

One Comment

  1. John had baptized Jesus. John, as the rest of the Jews, expected a Messiah who would redeem Israel – defeat their enemy. The preaching of John sent him to prison where he heard what Jesus was doing. This is not what he expected. Yet Jesus did fight the enemy by bringing healing to the land – ushering in the Kingdom. John’s eyes were opened to see Jesus at work, overcoming the power of satan. His eyes through God’s grace saw the Kingdom coming.
    I too need to see God at work when all seems so dark and dismal these days. Satan has been defeated and His kingdom is coming – now in part but one day in full – upon His return.
    Open my eyes Lord that I may see You at work today through Your servants in Your Kingdom.

    Open my eyes, Lord
    Help me to see your face
    Open my eyes, Lord
    Help me to see

    Open my ears, Lord
    Help me to hear your voice
    Open my ears, Lord
    Help me to hear

    Open my heart, Lord
    Help me to love like you
    Open my heart, Lord
    Help me to love

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