Bringing the kingdom near!

Image result for freely receivedTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 10:1-8
“Proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’” (Matthew 10:7)
The kingdom of God (or heaven) has come near… what does this mean?
When Satan tricked Adam and Eve, this world became a dominion of darkness.
Violence, death, misery, sickness, injustice, inequality, poverty, despair…
Every child of Adam is part of this, and cannot seem to break the cycle.
But Jesus changes everything; for the first time a son of Adam resists Satan’s lies.
And as a result, demons flee, sickness is healed, people are reconciled, and generosity flows.
Through Jesus, the world as God meant it to be was experienced.
And the disciples, following Jesus, spread it even more.
Jesus refuses Satan to the very end, and thereby reclaims Adam’s position on top.
Jesus is the God-like leader over creation, and Satan cannot do anything about it.
He still deceives us, and we act as if he still has power, but its all lies!
Jesus calls us to stand with Him, to live, love and lead like Him, to go for Him.
And when we do this, the kingdom continues to ‘come near’.
Every time we bring light to a dark situation (words and deeds of love) the kingdom comes near.
If the kingdom doesn’t seem to be near, it’s because Jesus’ followers aren’t bringing it near!
Satan’s only hope is to trick us into NOT living this way, and keeping things dark.
Jesus’ challenge to me is the same as it was to His first disciples.
Proclaim, heal, raise up, cleanse, drive out the darkness, freely share His love.
Guaranteed, the kingdom will come nearer!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my job is not to succeed, but to try with Your help. Forgive me my excuses, or for believing Satan’s lies. Help me to reveal God’s better world by freely sharing Your kingdom love.

One Comment

  1. God’s gifts.
    Many are visible and many are not. The list of His gifts are many and we have received them for His purpose in our lives.
    Here we read in Matthew – freely you have received, freely give. All what the Lord has given to us is to be used for His glory. As with the disciples, I too need to share His good gifts to me with those around me. And this includes to share the gospel and by that way also building His kingdom.

    1 We give thee but thine own,
    whate’er the gift may be;
    all that we have is thine alone,
    a trust, O Lord, from thee.

    2 May we thy bounties thus
    as stewards true receive,
    and gladly, as thou blessest us,
    to thee our first-fruits give.

    3 To comfort and to bless,
    to find a balm for woe,
    to tend the lonely in distress,
    is angels’ work below.

    4 The captive to release,
    to God the lost to bring,
    to teach the way of life and peace –
    it is a Christ-like thing.

    5 And we believe thy Word,
    though dim our faith may be;
    whate’er for thine we do, O Lord,
    we do it unto thee.

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