Is Gott mit uns?

Image result for gott mit unsTHE STORY OF JESUS: Psalm 14
“God is present in the company of the righteous.” (Psalm 14:5)
This Psalm is not about atheists, but about those who live godless lives.
To be godless is to live as if God doesn’t matter.
They do what they do because no one is watching, no one will stop them.
‘God is not here’, they say, not realizing that God is right there.
God is present with everyone, but He is not supportive of everyone.
When the Nazis said ‘God with us’ (Gott mit uns), they were right and wrong.
God was there, God was watching, but He was not supporting them.
God is WITH (supportive of) those who do what is right, good, loving, just.
God is WITH (supportive of) those who are oppressed, abused, crushed.
But God is not WITH (supportive of) those who are cruel and corrupt – even if they say He is!
“They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.” (Titus 1:16)
Atheists are not just those who deny God, they can be God-believers who defy God’s ways.
There are atheists who pursue righteousness, and believers who pursue unrighteousness.
This ought to make us stop and think, and be careful about saying where God is, or isn’t.
Think about this: is God WITH (supportive of) that atheist serving the poor?
Is God not WITH (supportive of) that Church Elder abusing children?
Jesus shows us that God is not impressed by religious people (those claiming ‘Gott mit uns’).
Notice how much time He spends with sinners and social outcasts, those seen as beyond God.
God is with us (as He is with all people), but are we with Him?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, someone has coined the term ‘Christian Atheists’, those who deny God by their actions. May I not presume upon Your presence unless I choose to actually reflect Your presence in my life!

One Comment

  1. Who is in charge?
    The fool says he is.
    God sees all. Our world belongs to God and He is in charge.
    None do good.
    All have fallen, sinned, come short, go after their own ways, doing what is right in their own eyes, like in the days of Judges.
    blessed are those who call on the Lord in the days of trouble and take refuge in Him.
    God is in charge.
    God is my Refuge, Fortress, Stronghold, Redeemer, King.
    He will restore as He promised.
    God is with His people always.
    Help me daily Lord to see You and walk in Your Light and Truth.

    1 Send out your light and your truth, let them lead me;
    O let them bring me to your holy hill.
    Send out your light and your truth, let them lead me;
    O let them bring me to your holy hill.

    2 Lead me, O LORD, in the way everlasting;
    O lead and guide me to your holy hill.
    Lead me, O LORD, in the way everlasting;
    O lead and guide me to your holy hill.

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