Good news of the kingdom!

Image result for good news of the kingdomTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 9:35-38
“Proclaiming the good news of the kingdom.” (Matthew 9:35)
When is the last time you thought about the kingdom of God?
How would you respond if someone asked you about the kingdom?
Or if asked about the gospel, would your answer include the kingdom?
Jesus’ good news boils down to this idea, the announcement of God’s kingdom.
Yet today the good news is usually reduced to being saved through Jesus’ death for our sins.
Is our message of good news the same as Jesus’, if we don’t mention the kingdom of God?
I believe the basic message of the bible is how God restores His creation kingdom.
It begins with the first creation (Genesis 1-2), and ends with the renewed creation (Revelation 21-22).
Everything in between is God’s unfolding plan to restore this creation kingdom.
At the center of this plan is not Israel, nor the Church, but Jesus.
Somehow HE is the key to the restored kingdom of God.
The cross is definitely a part of that restoration, but it is not all.
His birth, His life, His holy life, His resurrection, His ascension, Pentecost – they all play a role.
Our gospel seems reduced to good news for me: I’m forgiven, I’m going to heaven!
But it was God’s love for the world, and Jesus compassion for the people, that captures the full good news.
If our idea of the good news doesn’t make us radical lovers of creation and people, we’ve missed the point.
Our goal is not to escape to ‘heaven’; our goal is to be a restored people in a restore creation.
Let’s join with Jesus in praying for more Christians like this!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, one reason why there are so few workers today is that we’ve been deceived into a selfish salvation gospel. Help Your church rediscover the good news of the kingdom, and their place in it!


  1. Kingdom.
    Interesting word. I never really thought of it that way. I mean when I hear that word I automatically think ‘game of thrones’. When I think of the world we live in I really ask the question. OK now where is this so called Kingdom of His? So nope if someone asked me about the gospel. The kingdom of God is the last thing I would think of! Uhhhh struggling follower much lol. BUT yeah God doesn’t want us to be all like wahoo I’m saved, going to heaven and tis all good. He created the universe, the animals and thought hey the world needs one of you (us) too to maybe help unfold the plan of His for His kindgom while on earth.

  2. Jesus had compassion on them for they were helpless. They came to Him for healing. And we had just read that He told the possessed man not to tell anyone – that would impede His ministry – regarding the kingdom of God.
    The failure of the leaders of the people was also shown at this time – they did not meet the needs of the people – the people were helpless. And there is still a harvest to be done – workers to work in His garden – His creation to bring healing not only to the people but also to the land. The people must also be lead to do good. Tend to the sheep and their needs and lead them in the paths they should go.

    Far and near the fields are teeming
    With the waves of ripened grain;
    Far and near their gold is gleaming
    O’er the sunny slope and plain.

    Lord of harvest, send forth reapers!
    Hear us, Lord; to Thee we cry.
    Send them now the sheaves to gather,
    Ere the harvest-time pass by.

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