Small faith, great mercy!

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THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 9:27-34
“According to your faith let it be done to you.” (Matthew 9:29)
This is a scary verse.
If the quality of my faith determines the results, I am in trouble.
This idea has also been used to explain why some people don’t get healed.
But notice that Jesus does not say this to everyone.
He healed the dead (they couldn’t believe), as well as the son of a doubting believer (Mark 9:21-25).
Jesus is speaking uniquely to these two men, and they responded with faith.
Nothing is said about the mute man speaking ‘according to his faith’.
The thing is, faith DOES make a huge difference.
But mustard seed faith is also welcome (Matthew 17:20), God meets us where we are!
These men pleaded for mercy, and this is ALWAYS something we can count on from God.
In my experience, healing does not always happen, by mercy does!
I believe that Jesus IS the promised messiah, the only hope for humanity and the world.
I believe that Jesus IS able to do immeasurably more than all I can ask or imagine.
I believe that Jesus WILL show us mercy somehow.
I do not believe that Jesus will always give us what we ask for, or when we ask for it.
Which probably means the quality of my faith is not as strong as it could/should be.
But my hope is NOT in the quality of my faith, but in the mercy of my Saviour.
My mustard seed faith is not yet what it could be, but it is enough.
And I’m trusting Him to make it grow!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I believe… help me in my unbelief. Your mercy is greater than my faith, and that gives me hope!

One Comment

  1. In Isaiah 35 there is a song of joy recorded that tells of how things will be when the Messiah comes, “Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy.”

    The blind men knew of Jesus and followed Him> Did they know the Scriptures and how did yhey follow? We are not told but we are told that they were healed. Their sight became sight and the people in theur presence did not really see.

    need to be like these two followers of Jesus and see as they saw – with eyes of faith and with the the eyes of my hearts. In my pilgrim’s progress I need to walk daily in the presence of my God for His is my Guide – leading me in the pathway I need to travel.

    Open the eyes of my heart, Lord
    Open the eyes of my heart
    I want to see You
    I want to see You

    To see You high and lifted up
    Shinin’ in the light of Your glory
    Pour out Your power and love
    As we sing holy, holy, holy

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