I will follow You… maybe?

followTHE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 8:18-22
“I will follow you wherever you go.” (Matthew 8:19)
I recall saying things like this many a time in the past.
But apart from emotional times of commitment, have I really followed through?
I often face times when an immediate situation requires of me a difficult choice.
In those moments, the first thought was not, “I will follow you wherever you go.”
When I feel the need to apologize, or forgive, or help someone in need?
When prompted to speak into a difficult situation, or say NO to something I really want.
Am I willing to sacrifice the comforts of a pillow – for Jesus?
Am I willing to affect my relationship with my family – for Jesus?
** (v.21) His father wasn’t dead yet, he was saying ‘let me wait until my dad passes away!’
Jesus is graciously showing us that following Him is not just a profession of faith.
It is a way of life, a way that will often be contrary to personal or public comfort.
Going against the current of self-love will result in discomfort and resistance.
When I think of the many ‘professions of faith’ I witnessed – and my own – I wonder…
Were they just ‘receiving salvation’, or were they accepting a calling, a way of life?
Is ‘faith commitment’ just a password into heaven, or is it a surrender to a new way of living?
Jesus is calling us to follow Him, to live and love like Him, to deny ourselves like Him.
Jesus has saved us from self-love, saved us for sacrificial love!
Think of a specific situation where following Jesus requires a difficult choice for you.
This choice, this challenge, is YOUR unique opportunity to publicly decide for Christ.
Will I choose to follow Jesus, to do what He asks of me, in THIS situation?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are challenging me in these words. I know my ‘comfort pillow’ that I am not willing to give up. Help me to see that this is my real faith commitment, how I respond to this choice!

One Comment

  1. Discipleship.
    Look what the disciples gave up when they followed Jesus. They were with Him 24/7. He was their focus. He was their all in all.
    Discipleship means Jesus follower. That’s the main focus.
    What’s my focus?
    The pleasures of this life? Me first mentality?
    The core of my existence must be Jesus. In order to live the JOY principle means Jesus is first, Others are second and I am in last place. That is the way of love – the central message of His Word.
    In order to life His way – to be His disciple – Jesus must be first inall I do and say. Help me Lord to live this way.

    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into your hands
    All of my ambitions, hopes and plans
    I surrender these into your hands
    For it’s only in your will that I am free
    For it’s only in your will that I am free
    Jesus, all for Jesus
    All I am and have and ever hope to be

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