Join me, don’t judge me!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 7:1-6
“The speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and … the plank in your own eye?” (Matthew 7:3)
Everyone has their own issues, which clouds how they see others issues.
How can we judge others, when we ourselves are guilty in our own way.
Our tendency is to see others sins as bigger than ours.
Jesus describes the other persons issue as a ‘speck’; our issue is a ‘plank’.
This does not mean I am worse than others.
My ‘plank’ is only a ‘speck’ to someone else… and vice versa.
In other words, each one of us is responsible for our own sin and guilt.
When we judge others, we are actually exposing our own shame.
“You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” (Romans 2:1)
Jesus came to rescue and restore sinners, but my sin is my primary need and focus.
To not judge others does not mean we are not to be discerning of good and evil, right and wrong.
We can and must discern with wisdom what is sacred and precious, and what is for dogs and pigs.
But discernment is different from judgment; my focus ought to be on my response and behavior.
How can I judge you, I’ve got more than enough stuff to figure out in myself… and you do too.
Maybe instead of judging you, I can join you in the tough work of working on our own planks.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, only You have a right to judge. Help me to see that all of us have our own issues, and that You will help each one of us deal with our own planks.

One Comment

  1. People watchers we are.
    And more.
    We formulate what kind of people they are without even knowing them. We formulate thoughts about them that have no basis. We are all too quick to formulate negative thought about others while as God’s people we are to be a blessing to those around us – not a curse.
    Help me Lord this day to live Your way and be a blessing.

    Blessed to be a blessing
    Blessed to live your love
    Blessed to share with others every blessing from above
    Blessed to walk in mercy
    Blessed to light the way
    Oh, Blessed to be a blessing every day

    Verse 1
    Oh my Jesus, you have blessed me
    You died for me to take my sin away
    Now you live your life in me
    And the love received is love I give away

    Verse 2
    Oh my Jesus, make me a blessing
    In my work and play, in everything I do
    Oh let your blessing flow through me
    That in seeing me, may others see you

    Blessed for living this new day
    A gift from you to give away
    Blessed for sharing
    Blessed for caring
    Blessed for growing
    Blessed for sowing
    Blessed to be a blessing today

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