So much better than worry!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 6:25-34
“Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)
For the longest time, I found myself stressing about a host of problems.
I thought, being forewarned was being forearmed, so I tried to anticipate every problem.
What a stressful way to live.
Add to that my concern about what people were thinking, and I was doubly burdened.
But all this was just my sophisticated way of worrying, without calling it worry.
Most of the problems I wasted time and energy solving NEVER HAPPENED.
I am finally reaching a place where I am accepting the reality of trouble.
Its not that I am giving in to it, but I am choosing not to let it stress me.
“‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed — or indeed only one.'” (Luke 10:41-42)
Jesus does not advocate laziness or doing nothing, but He challenges us on where our focus lies.
Don’t focus on the problems, focus on the kingdom, focus on the King, focus on what is good.
“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)
In any and every situation, what is the kingdom (God-like, good, right, loving, etc.) thing to do?
When trouble arises (and each day it will, in some way), what is the kingdom thing to do?
Kingdom living does not focus on the problems, it brings our problems – when they arise – to the King.
Worry (focusing on problems) is wasted energy, and it doesn’t help!
Worship (focusing on Jesus) is positive energy, and it does help!
He will give you what you need when the time arises… trust Him, and entrust your worries to Him.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, lately I have been experiencing the blessing of resting in You, rather than dwelling on my fears or troubles. I long to do this more, and better. May Your peace guard my heart and my mind!


  1. I had been drowning in worry for a long time, and that is literally what it felt like; Drowning! So much to think about that I couldn’t catch a breathe sometimes, and feeling like everything is coming down on me like a big huge wave of water coming towards me that I can not evade. Thank goodness to the Lord, he came to me and gave me a big wake up call, making me realize that the burden of worry is not one that I can carry. Because of this, I woke up in the middle of the night and cried out silently to the Lord in my distress, surrendering all the worry about most things that were bothering me at the time. In the morning when I awoke, I not only felt much better, but I felt so much more refreshed and free of the weights that were on my shoulders. I gave my worries away and focused on the strength of God instead and that made all the difference. When we focus on the Lord, we can walk on water, above all the worry and the distractions of this world; When we focus on the distractions and the worry, we fall into the water and lose sight of God.

    Focusing on God is the answer to all worry, and when you turn to worship rather than worry, it alleviates all stress as long as we stay focused on him and not the world. I once read somewhere, or heard somewhere maybe, When faced with a trial that brings great anxiety, start worshiping the Lord; this not only brings your attention away from the worry, but it also confuses the heck out of Satan. Amen I say to that!

  2. Couldn’t come with any words this morning regarding the idea of worry – but the words of this song kept repeating itself 🙂

    God will take care of you,
    God will take care of me
    God will take care of those we love,
    now and eternally

    How great is the Lord,
    worthy of our trust
    I love Him so much,
    I’ll follow Him
    now and eternally

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