I dreamed a dream…

DreamTHE STORY OF JESUS: Genesis 37:1-40:23
“Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.” (Genesis 37:5)
Martin Luther King had a dream, and he was killed for it.
Jesus had a dream (the kingdom of God), and He was killed for it.
As the story unfolds, we will see that Joseph’s dream comes true.
He does become ruler over his family, and their lives are saved through him.
But these stories show us that God’s dreamers don’t necessarily live the dream life.
I am a dreamer by nature, I am always envisioning possibilities.
But not everyone sees these possibilities, most people get stuck on what is.
Unfortunately, I find myself giving up on the possibilities, and getting stuck on what is.
Joseph reminds me that making the dream happen is not up to me.
My job is to be faithful in the moment, and leave the results to God.
This is also my challenge, I am so eager to run ahead and make the dream real.
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:37-38)
I can see that the harvest is plentiful, but I cannot take it in myself.
What Joseph saw in his dreams, what Jesus saw of the kingdom, what MLK saw of racial equality…
The possibilities are vast, the harvest plentiful, but people need to step in to make them real.
“Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers…”
Until that happens, until God puts the pieces in place, the dream will remain… a dream.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You didn’t just preach the kingdom, You saw it, felt it, lived it, dreamed it. Thank You for not giving up on the dream, even when others did not see or support it. Help me not to lose the dream either.

One Comment

  1. What is God’s dream for my life?
    I need to ask for it. I am His and He is mine and I live for Him. What does He want me to do in His service? He is able to do far more than we even dared ask for or dream of.
    Then believe His promises. Work and pray. Pray and work. Pray, believe, trust, experience, learn, grow.
    Use your God given gifts that make you you. Dream great dreams for God.
    Not what I have done, but what God has done through me

    .Jesus prayed in the garden and poured out His heart for me
    There has been no love shown my mortal as in dark Gethsemane
    He could have chosen not to suffer treatment of the cruelest kind
    But the lips of my pure savior uttered not my will but thine

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