His light through me!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 5:13-16
“You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14)
This is BOTH something I am, and something I ought to be.
It is a great honor to be God’s ambassador, to reflect His light in the world.
It is also a great responsibility, with important consequences.
Look at Adam and Eve, how important they were in God’s creation order.
And see the result of their choosing darkness, the misery that followed.
I have a significant place in my part of the world.
I am God’s child, God’s blessed one, God’s ambassador, God’s representative.
When people see me, they are intended to see God, and be blessed by it.
What an honor, what a privilege… what a responsibility!
God is looking for people to join with Jesus in showing the better way.
He has graced us to shine with His character, as described in vv.3-12.
When we “hunger and thirst” for living God’s way, people will notice.
Many will be blessed – not all – and glorify God because of it!
This is God’s evangelism plan, to shine His love into peoples’ lives through us.
Every day I have the opportunity to flavor this world for good (like salt).
Every day I have the opportunity to brighten this world for God (like light).
By showing the ‘good news’, we share the ‘good news’, and people are drawn to God.
But this is not something we can do by ourselves; and the good news is we don’t have to.
Like the moon, we do not produce light, we reflect it, when we see the Son’s (sun) face.
He IS the light of the world, as the closer we are to Him, the more we will reflect Him.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I cannot produce Your light. And the good news I don’t have to. Draw me close to You, so that You can shine through me to others.

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