This is THE life!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Matthew 5:1-12
“Blessed… for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)
Jesus is describing the kind of person that God honors.
A meek, merciful, pure in heart peacemaker who longs to do the right thing!
Often poverty, grief and persecution will be the result for this person.
ButĀ also blessing, comfort, satisfaction, mercy, and God’s smiling face.
They will receive the kingdom, inherit the earth and be called God’s child!
Notice that this list perfectly describes Jesus.
Jesus lived this blessed life FOR us; now He helps us live it WITH Him.
He assures us of forgiveness when we fail, and of success if we persevere.
With the help of His Spirit, we strive to “do the right thing”, even when it hurts.
Living like this – for righteousness – is the kingdom life, the way we were made to live.
Living like this – pursuing the virtues and enduring the hardships – advances the kingdom.
Living like this actually improves the lives of those around us.
Our schools, workplaces, homes and communities are better places if we live like this!
Jesus calls us to live counter-cultural lives, driven by the virtues of heaven.
The world may not honor this life, but God does.
Now the challenge… how do these virtues translate into my life?
Where do I need to be meek, merciful, a peacemaker, eager to do the right thing?
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, this is the life! This is the meaning and purpose of life. Living with You, like You and for You is why we were made. Ignite my desire for this kind of life, and may Your blessing spread through me!

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