pray for the persecuted

Voice-of-the-MartyrsGod has laid it on my heart that we need to continue to pray for people who suffer for their hope in Jesus.
Can we imagine what it would be like to live in a place where believing in Jesus meant that we would be ridiculed, harassed, beaten or even killed.
Imagine if believing in Jesus was a life or death matter…
For many it is!

The Voice of the Martyrs contacts working to assist believers affected by attacks in Orissa state report that more than 70,000 Christians have been displaced and forced to live in refugee camps. “At the Peyton Sahi relief camp which houses 35 families and 130 distraught tribals, Chabila Naik, a man who ran an orphanage for 50 children in Sarangada spent three days in the forest after their houses and churches were razed [with fire]. He has not been reunited with the children,” VOM sources said. Continue reading >>

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