The greatest of all!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Esther 10:1-3
“Mordecai worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews.” (Esther 10:3)
Mordecai sits at the right hand of king Xerxes.
He has been entrusted with all authority in the kingdom, under Xerxes.
He is a great leader, but what makes him great for the Jews is how he leads for their well-being.
Xerxes is a tyrant, exiling his first Queen, imprisoning young girls in his harem…
And decreeing genocide for the Jews at the instigation of Haman.
That this story ends well for the Jews is not because of Xerxes, but because of God.
God is over all powers and authorities, every ruler rules UNDER God.
It was His design that humans would rule under Him in a good way, for the well-being of creation.
He raises up Mordecai, and he is a good ruler for the Jews.
But as great as he was, his greatness pales in comparison to Jesus.
Jesus is God’s appointed Messiah, Who sits at His right hand, and rules for the well-being of creation.
He works for the good of all people, and intercedes for the welfare of all.
He goes to the pole for us, that we might be spared.
He uses His power (the Spirit) to draw us back from sin, back to God and life and hope.
He directs the affairs of the world with God for His kingdom purpose.
As the Jews revered the greatness of Mordecai, I revere the GREATNESS of Jesus.
A full account of His acts of power and might are recorded for us in the New Testament.
There is no greater Leader that works for the good and welfare of all!
“At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:10-11)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You that You use Your power to bless and benefit all. Thank You for restoring love, joy, peace, hope justice, mercy and the fullness of life. You are the greatest of all!

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