Whether we live or die!

esther-2THE STORY OF JESUS: Esther 4:12-17
“I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16)
For Esther her commitment to serve exceeds her commitment to live.
She compares living but saying nothing, with speaking out and possibly dying.
This is about doing what is right, even if it is hard, even if it demands sacrifice.
This is what is meant by ‘taking up one’s cross’ (Mark 8:34).
The cross represents the price one is willing to pay for the cause.
Jesus went to Jerusalem, knowing it meant suffering and dying before rising (Matthew 16:21).
Paul goes to Rome, knowing that he will suffer there (Acts 20:22-24).
It is not their desire to suffer that motivates them, but their commitment to the cause.
For the sake: of the Jews (Esther), of the world (Jesus), of the gospel (Paul).
This is about love, compassion, justice, honesty, integrity, even if it means difficulty.
As a Jesus follower, our desire is to bring the love and hope of Jesus to the world.
We don’t know what will become of us, but we do know who we belong to.
“If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” (Romans 14:8)
God uses those willing to do what is good and right, whatever the cost, to exalt Christ.
We ARE NOT committed to suffering for Christ, we ARE committed to serving with Christ.
For the sake of Jesus, the world, and the gospel, we offer ourselves as living sacrifices.
“Now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.” (Philippians 1:20)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?

Lord, I write these things with more clarity than I feel them. Strengthen my commitment to You, and to doing what is right and good… whatever the result.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Always be ready to give an answer for what you believe. Never shrink from that.
    Our past has a bearing on the present. Our heritage, our background influences the decisions we make today. We are here and now by God’s grace and need to be His witnesses. And this is a possibility only through prayer – our connection to God. He can empower us. He leads His own. He makes us GodStrong. Remember Peter walking on water. We too need to get out of the boat – total trust that He will enable – us to be instruments of His peace/will.
    Servants of the living God.
    That’s who we are.

    Send Thy Spirit, I beseech Thee,
    Gracious Lord, send while I pray;
    Send the Comforter to teach me,
    Guide me, help me in Thy way.
    Sinful, wretched, I have wandered
    Far from Thee in darkest night;
    Precious time and talents squandered,
    Lead, O lead me into light.

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