be still and know

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 14
He said to his disciples, ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ [Mark 4:40] The Israelites have seen amazing signs of God’s power. They have witnessed miracles. They excitedly left Egypt, hoping for a new life, but when they see pharaoh’s armies chasing after them, they panic. ‘Moses, don’t you care if we die?’ [see Mark 4:38].

In both Exodus 14 and Mark 4, we see the power of God demonstrated over the forces of nature. The purpose of these miracles (and all the other miracles of the bible) is to assure us that God is God, that He is in charge of the universe. The words ‘be still’ are good reminders for us [Exodus 14:14, Mark 4:39, Psalm 46:10] that He is God, we are not.

God is in charge. He is working out His plan and purpose. He is keeping His promise. He is rebuilding His kingdom. The powers of sin, death and hell cannot separate us from His love. Though all hell break loose against us, we need to quiet our hearts and remind ourselves of His power and purpose. Even if an army besieges me, I need to position myself in God [Psalm 27:1-3]. This will not make the dangers disappear, but it will enable us to stand firm in God while we wait for His purpose to unfold.

These miracles do not guarantee that God will always act this way. There have been, and continue to be today, many who face the enemy and suffer and die. But like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they keep their confidence in God as God, in His good purpose: If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” [Daniel 3:17-18].

This takes faith. Confidence in God as God, and in Jesus as messiah. Our fear is an indication of a struggling faith. Jesus gently challenges us when we start grumbling against Him, do you still have no faith?

Lord, I believe, but my faith is weak. Help me believe even more!

One Comment

  1. I understand the miracle of all this for the Israelites.
    What about the Egyptians?
    Did God not love them?
    Of course He did.
    Did any of them know Him?
    We don’t know…
    Did it bother God to let them be wiped out by the waters?
    Of course it did.
    Just as when terrible things happen to us…
    It is complicated.
    God, I trust You even when I don’t understand.

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