Treasures that last!

“Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” (Mark 13:2)
So many things that we love will not last forever.
That brand new car… will one day be sold for scrap.
The new brand name jacket… will wind up in a thrift store.
That well-toned body you’ve worked so hard to maintain… will wrinkle and sag.
What about our investment into things for God?
Our programs will fade, our buildings will collapse, our great campaigns will be forgotten.
But lives impacted will continue into eternity.
Jesus warns the Jews not to get too attached to their temple.
Too often God’s people attach themselves and their hopes to temporal things.
Our church building, our style of worship, our beloved program, our way of doing things.
And when those things begin to fade, some people get stuck in the past.
Jesus warns us to not attach ourselves to temporal things.
The implication: set your hearts on God, on the things of God that will not change.
Life in this world is unstable, uncertain, subject to change and decay.
There are no guarantees for the things of this world (except death and taxes).
But God is our ‘massive rock’, God does not change, is not unstable, uncertain.
Invest yourself in your relationship with God, and with people.
These are treasures that will last into eternity.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, as I get older, this lesson becomes clearer. So many things I worked for are now are gone. Things I wanted so bad are now in a box, unnoticed. But You are still my rock!

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