Lord of lords!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 12:35-37
“The Lord said to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand…'” (Mark 12:36, Psalm 110:1)
The Hebrew name for God (YHWH, Exodus 3:14) is translated ‘Lord’ (kyrios) in Greek.
The Hebrew for ‘master’ (Adonai, used by slaves, subjects) is also translated ‘Lord’.
Psalm 110:1 here literally says ‘YHWH says to my master’.
Many Christians confuse these names and their meanings.
It is not because Jesus was God before He was born, but because of Who He becomes.
As a human on earth, by choice He laid aside His God powers (see Philippians 2:6-7).
In God’s plan of salvation, Jesus (Messiah/Adonai) is different from God (Father/YHWH).
Jesus Messiah is great, not just because He was God, but because He is Adam reinstated.
He is the promised ‘woman’s seed’ who crushes the serpent’s head (Genesis 3:15).
He has reclaimed God’s creation from Satan, and restored God’s kingdom authority in Adam.
He is Lord of lords, and we are the lords that He is Lord over; we are restored in Him.
Like David, we are lords that call Him Lord!
This may sound theological or confusing, but it is so important.
It affects how we see ourselves and our world, and our position in relation to Satan and evil.
We are set free from Satan, sin and it’s curse (death); we are reigning with Christ.
Joined with Jesus, Adam enthroned, we are NOT under Satan or sin… we are under Christ.
Yet so many of us live as if Satan was still Lord (master), and evil was still the greatest reality.
“Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are God’s appointed Ruler of creation. And with You, I am also restored. Help me to live like this, to submit to God as LORD and to You as Lord… and to refuse to give Satan any more power in my life.

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