Surrender to the kingdom!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 12:28-34
“You are not far from the kingdom of God.” (Mark 12:34)
This Law expert is watching, engaged by how Jesus handles His debaters.
He likes what he hears, though he’s still not sure what to make of Jesus.
It seems that he is sincere in asking Jesus his question.
And when Jesus replies, he actually publicly agrees with Jesus.
Jesus sees his openness, and also how he recognizes the primacy of love over all.
Someone who is open to Jesus, and understanding the heart of God’s will for humans.
Not religion, not sacrifices, not heartless or technical obedience, but love.
From what Jesus can see, this man is not far from the kingdom of God.
On the one hand, he is close to Jesus, the embodiment of the kingdom of God.
But what I hear Jesus saying is that this man is close to living the kingdom of God.
If he surrenders to what he knows, and to what Jesus represents, he will be living it.
The kingdom of God is THIS world under the leadership who live like God, or by His will.
If all humans loved God and others, we would experience God’s kingdom on earth too.
But this is the big IF, the thing that keeps us from knowing God’s kingdom blessing.
Will we surrender to God’s call of love, will we welcome Jesus, God’s agent of love.
If our hearts are open to Jesus, and to His way of love, we are also not far away.
We do not need to live it perfectly in order to enter it.
We just need to surrender ourselves to it, to Him, and say that we want it.
By faith we receive it, and His Spirit will enter us, and help us to grow in it.
I am living in the kingdom of God, not perfectly but by faith and desire.
Are you in, are you close, or are you not interested in God’s kingdom dream?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I do not love You or people as I ought to, but I want to. I want this for me, and for the world. May Your kingdom love grow in me, and may it come here on earth, as it is in heaven.

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