choose your destiny

Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. [John 20:30-31]. The king of Egypt was not prepared to admit that the God of slaves (Israel) was greater than he was; afterall, he was the son of Ra (the sun god).

These plagues were miraculous signs. Some have shown how these plagues likely had natural causes, but this does not make them any less miraculous. All the signs and wonders of the bible were intended to help us believe, and respond with faith.

Throughout the bible, and throughout history, God has been directing things to get us to recognize Him, and seek Him [Acts 17:26-27]. Yet again and again, people stubbornly refuse.

The birth and life, death and resurrection of Jesus all point to His unique place in history as God’s anointed messiah. Those who accept this discover life, while those who reject it discover death.

There is a lot at stake in choosing to believe or not. Believing in Jesus results in life. Not believing in Him results in death. God is not being mean or vindictive here, it is just plain common sense. God is God, and the universe (and us) depend on God: “He himself gives life and breath to everything” [Acts 17:25]. Defying God is like defying gravity, you’ll eventually crash. God is patient and gives us plenty of opportunities to come to our senses. But eventually He lets us choose our destiny.

God is offering us a way out, a way of freedom and life. We can choose life without God, which eventually leads to death. Or we can choose life with God, which eventually leads to life. Heed pharoah’s example, and choose the other path!

Lord, to admit that You are King means that I am not. With the wise men, I choose to worship You as King.


  1. LORD, thank You that You are God who never gives up on us. LORD, reveal to me areas of my life where I may be stubborn and refuse to be obedient.

    Forgive me for times when I cry out to You, drawing near to You, desperately clinging to You when times / situations are uncertain and then when all is well; I begin to drift, I forget, I become passive and wander off. LORD, thank You for the reminder that my disobedience, my pride, my selfishness, my stubborness hinders not only myself but others whose lives are connected to mine. It’s not just about me!

    LORD, how often are we blind to Your work all around us in our daily lives- attention is drawn to You yet, like Pharoah, we make excuses, refuse to acknowledge You?

    LORD, I don’t want to live a life of compromise. Teach me LORD how to live in total devotion, total surrender to You! Help me live a life that is all about You! Give me a heart of discernment that I might know what You are asking of me, where You are leading me. LORD, I desire to live a life of obedience to You. Thank You LORD for Your Redeeming power…… Thank You LORD for Your unending, unfailing forgiveness……

  2. God still speaks to me everywhere, if I just have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and an open heart. With these plagues, even the magicans did see the finger of God, yet went their own way. As a father continue to discipline his children saying this is the way to go/live, so God continues to discipline the people and say, See me for I Am the I AM. Follow my way and not your own evil desires. But their hearts remained hardened. Just as the wise men followed the star to seek and find Christ, the Egyptians were given many signs to become like the wise men to find God who was showing Himself to the people, but they could not see. Help me this day Lord to be like the wise men and live for Christ in all I do and say. Help me in my daily worship.

    Thank You Lord once again for the reason for the season reminding me that Jesus Christ is Lord. Help me in my living for Jesus every day.

    We Have Come Into His House
    And Gathered In His Name To Worship Him;
    We Have Come Into His House
    And Gathered In His Name To Worship Him;
    We Have Come Into His House
    And Gathered In His Name To Worship Christ The Lord;
    Worship Him, Christ The Lord.

    Let’s For-get About Ourselves
    And Concentrate On Him, And Worship Him.
    Let’s Forget About Ourselves
    And Concentrate On Him, And Worship Him.
    Let’s Forget About Ourselves
    And Concentrate On Him, And Worship Christ The Lord.
    Worship Him, Christ The Lord.

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