The key to life!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 10:25-28
“Do this, and you will live.” (Luke 10:28)
Love God, love people, and you will live the forever life.
These are not rules for life, they are wisdom for living.
Eat healthy, exercise, be positive, etc., these are not rules for life either.
But they are keys to living a long life.
We reduce God’s laws to hoops we ‘hafta’ jump through to get a entry ticket.
No, to love God and people is healthy, natural, God-designed living.
To not love is the same as to not eat healthy or exercise – it kills us.
If everyone loved God rightly, and others also, we would be living in paradise.
But we have reversed this order: we love ourselves, then others, then God if needed.
Our love for God and others is qualified, as it serves our interests.
Which is why our world is the hell that it is.
Loving God and others is not a password or ritual to get in…
It is how “life to the full” is actually experienced, enjoyed.
It is the most fulfilling, soul-satisfying, life-blessing way to live.
Try it, do things today that express love toward God and people.
Not as a ticket to be accepted (He already accepts us), but for the thrill itself.
Jesus is right when He says, “do this, and you will live!”
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, our focus on rules and rituals has sucked the life out of our relationship with You. May I actually try this, and experience this, the thrill of life in loving You and others.

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