Opportunity of a lifetime!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 10:9-16
“The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me.” (Luke 10:16)
Yesterday we heard about how Jesus extends peace to everyone.
But here Jesus sounds harsh, judgmental… or does He?
If someone was handing out free $1000 bills, how would those who passed them by feel?
Thinking it was a hoax, counterfeit, or too good to be true, they walk on…
And discover later they were mistaken, and missed an amazing opportunity.
That moment of discovery will be unbearable, they will weep and groan at their folly.
We’re not just talking $1000, we’re talking the kingdom of God, eternal life!
Jesus just states the obvious; people who pass up an opportunity of a lifetime will regret it.
God is still offering grace, mercy, love, joy, peace.
Jesus is still promoting God’s better world of justice, equality, morality, integrity.
Jesus followers are still going out and sharing His message of peace in the world today.
Everyone is free to receive or reject His message, but those who reject it will one day regret it.
Sadly many messengers of Jesus do not represent His message well, and turn many people off.
This will also lead to huge regret… for those who misrepresented Jesus and His peace.
My encouragement to people is to focus on Jesus, to consider His life and His ways.
Don’t let flawed messengers get in the way of greatest message of all – God’s peace.
We will all come to regret our folly if we miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may Your message of peace be heard loud and clear. May we as Christian represent You well, or get out of then way, so that no one will miss out on Your amazing offer.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    ‘Whoever rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.’
    The cities mentioned had seen the Lord and saw His ministry by the miracles He did. Their response was indifference. The hear the Word demands change – repentance – a change of heart – a change of the way of life. His Word is life giving. His word saves from destruction. His Word is a life changer – a Life saver.
    Jesus calls us to walk in His way – the way of truth and freedom.
    I need to receive that word in faith and obedience.
    Help me daily to do Your will Lord.
    Help me to live for Jesus always.

    1 Jesus calls us: o’er the tumult
    of our life’s wild, restless sea;
    day by day his sweet voice soundeth
    saying, “Christian, follow me.”

    2 Jesus calls us from the worship
    of the vain world’s golden store,
    from each idol that would keep us,
    saying, “Christian, love me more.”

    3 In our joys and in our sorrows,
    days of toil and hours of ease,
    still he calls, in cares and pleasures,
    “Christian, love me more than these.”

    4 Jesus calls us: by thy mercies,
    Savior, may we hear thy call,
    give our hearts to thy obedience,
    serve and love thee best of all.

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