why did you send me???

And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved. [Matthew 10:22] Poor Moses, he spoke to Pharoah just as YHWH commanded, and things only got worse. From his own perspective, his mission failed, he was a failure. Maybe he assumed that everything would work out easily. Now he is frustrated with God, “why did you send me?”

It should be no surprise that those who are opposed to God do not just step out of the way and give us easy passage. We should not be surprised that we face opposition, resistance and persecution. Jesus repeated this to His disciples when He sent them out, “all nations will hate you!”

From our perspective, our efforts for the Lord may seem weak, or even seem to fail. We may become frustrated with God and accuse Him of “doing nothing “ and “bringing trouble”. We may even consider giving up (I know I have). Why did you send me?

Then we hear this, “everyone who endures to the end will be saved.” Everyone who endures – perseveres, sticks it out, stays the course, pushes through opposition, trusts God through setbacks, clings in hope through hopeless situations. Moses has just seen the end of round one, but the battle is not over, it’s just begun. He gives up to easy, for now.

He will learn the hard way that there will be many setbacks along the way (think 40 years in the wilderness!!!). But God is not fazed by our setbacks, they are ‘stepforwards’ to Him. With God, it’s always ‘three steps forward, two steps back’, or in other words, there is always some progress!

Things got harder for the Israelites before they got better. And the wilderness experience is still coming. But God was with them all the way. They needed to hang on, no matter what.

The same is true for us as Jesus-followers. Jesus guarantees a rough road, but He also guarantees His presence and power on the way, and our ultimate arrival at our destination. This passage is a reminder to endure to the end!

Lord, help me to focus on You, and not the obstacles. Help me to persevere!

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