Peace be with you!

peaceTHE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 10:1-7
“When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’” (Luke 10:5)
The first thing we should communicate as Jesus’ messengers is… peace.
We do not first interview them to see if they deserve it.
We do not ask them to attend classes before they can receive it.
We do not evaluate their lives or lifestyles to see if they qualify.
We do not check out what their religion or beliefs are.
The very first thing we say is… peace to you and your family.
God’s grace, and the blessing of peace, are free to all.
If the people are receptive to God’s peace, then God’s grace will rest on them.
This is something Jews and Muslims do.
Peace be unto you (shalom aleikhem, as-salmu alaykum) is how they greet one another.
This is how they greet one another; how much more for us as messengers of the Prince of Peace.
Not just to people we like, or people who are like us, but to everyone.
Contrast this to how some Christians protest or denounce others.
When they hear or or meet sinners, their very first words are ‘God hates…’, not ‘peace’.
But what about sin, what about our need to repent, to be holy?
These are important, but they come about through God’s grace and peace, not before.
If we are open to God’s grace and peace, we will receive it, and it will begin its work in us.
People are converted and saved by grace, not judgment… let us be messengers of peace.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You spoke peace to me before I deserved it, help me to do the same. May people who meet me sense peace, not judgment.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Again the image of the farmer and the harvest. The harvest is the fruition of the labour and growth. This is the harvest of all peoples. The lambs among the wolves and yet when He comes again, they shall live together in peace. He will take care of us – all who minister in His name. He is our Provider. And as Moses had 70 to help Him so Christ has His disciples to help Him in His ministry – to speak His name and to act in His power. Only take was was needed for the task and nothing that would distract from the mission. We are dependent upon Jesus in all that we do. We need to be Jesus sufficient and not self-sufficient.
    Share the Word. No hoops to jump through as do this and live. Just believe and Christ will take care of you. He is the answer.
    May my travels in Your SonShine in the joy of the Lord God Who is my strengrh and power be a living witness to all those around me.

    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    The Lord is my strength and my song.
    He’s become my salvation.
    He is my God, and I will praise Him.
    My father’s God, and I’ll exalt Him.
    He is my God, and I will praise Him.
    My father’s God, and I’ll exalt Him

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