So NOT like Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 9:46-56
“An argument arose among them as to which of them was the greatest.” (Luke 9:46)
“We tried to stop him, because he does not follow with us.” (Luke 9:49)
“Do you want us to tell fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” (Luke 9:54)

Sounds like a power trip going on here.
Who is the greatest? He’s not with us! Shall we send fire?
Do any of these sound like the Spirit of Jesus?
You can tell a lot about a person by how they speak of others.
Stepping over others, pushing others away, or seeking revenge on others.
These may be normal in our world, but not in God’s world.
Jesus comes to show us the way to God’s better world – through love.
Serve others, welcome others, bless others… this is the Jesus way.
Do we as Christians see ourselves as better than non-Christians?
Do we as Christians exclude those who are not exactly like us?
Do we as Christians quickly demand punishment for those who resist or hurt us?
He turns and rebukes us too – this is not my way, this is not God’s way.
Few Christians do these things blatantly, we usually cloak them in pious talk.
These things are not just minor faults, they are serious breaches of the good news.
Think about how excessive God’s grace has been to us, and let this be our goal.
Jesus became least, welcomed us as outsiders, and took the punishment on Himself.
Jesus invites us to join Him in descending into greatness.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, show me the subtle ways I am guilty of power-tripping. Expose the selfish spirit that lies at the root of this, and change me with Your Spirit.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Competition – it brings out the worst of us. It is a pride thing – being the best or the most important. And Christ placed a child in their midst – a child who had no rights or privileges during those days. Yet Jesus elevated the child to a place of honour. in the disciples presence – right beside their Lord and Master. Why?
    Who is the greatest.
    One who is humble and lowly of heart emptying themselves of pride and self-seeking glory.
    I must become like a little child.
    Jesus is my example.
    He came to serve and not to be served.
    I too need to live love daily and serve others for that is love at work.

    In Jesus’ name, let me love like You today
    Lord, let every word I say, bring You praise
    Lord, let every breath in me,
    Tell the world that You we need
    Open blinded eyes to see, in Jesus’ name
    In Jesus’ name

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