the weight and wonder of God


What comes to your mind when you hear the word “God”?
OK, now what do you feel when you hear the word “God”?
Do your thoughts and your feelings correspond?
I can think some pretty big thoughts about God: omnipresent, omniscience, omnipotence, incomprehensible, immutable, eternal, infinite.
But do I feel the weight of these thoughts, am I impressed by them, even overwhelmed by them?
God is even bigger than these words can communicate.
These words themselves only touch upon the vastness, the bigness of God.
God is beyond us, beyond our ability to fathom, beyond our ability to comprehend.
How does that make you feel?
We need to be very careful that we do not define the wonder out of the deity.
Our thoughts and words can actually minify (?) rather than magnify God.
When the thoughts and words become the focus, rather than the God that exists behind and beyond them, we miss the point.
Do we experience God?
Do we feel the weight and wonder of God?

Think of an ocean, standing by the shoreline as the waves crash into the rocks (the north shore of Brackley Beach, PEI comes to mind).
The water that you see, you feel, you hear is but a drop in the vastness of the ocean.
Your eyes cannot see the width or breadth of the ocean.
And then there is the invisible depths, beyond reach.
And these waters cover the whole planet.
And there you stand, unable to measure or capture the whole of it… what do you do?
Take in that holy moment, feel the weight and the wonder of the vast ocean expanse.

You can do the same with the sky above.
Look up, look out, look through the blackness as far as your eyes can see.
The millions of miles and the millions of years, seen by me as a twinkling star.
And beyond that… planets and galaxies and black holes and invisible dark matter and …
And there you stand, unable to measure or capture the whole of it… what do you do?
Take in that holy moment, feel the weight and the wonder of the vast heavenly expanse.

Then stretch beyond the universe, stretch with your imagination to the ends of the universe.
They say that the universe is expanding… think about what it is that the universe is expanding into.
Beyond it all… the uncreated, infinite expanse of God.
And there you stand, unable to measure or capture the whole of it… what do you do?
Take in that holy moment, feel the weight and the wonder of the vast divine expanse.

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