Dancing in the rain?

So what do you think of this quote?
If we wait to dance when things get better, will we never dance?
Is dancing a way of denying the storm, being in self-denial?
Or is a dancing spirit a sign of faith, hope and love… God’s Spirit in us?
I think of Jesus resting in the boat during the storm.
He wasn’t dancing with His body, but maybe slowing dancing with His Spirit?
Refusing to let the rhythm of fear dictate His moves.
Refusing to let the struggle of doubt determine His mood.
Sensing in each rain drop the loving tears of God in the midst of your storm.
Allowing the wind of God’s Spirit to drive you…
And not the wind of circumstance, negativity or despair.
In all the noise, take time to pause and listen for God’s music.
See Him with His hand outstretched to you, inviting you to dance.

One Comment

  1. When things are going well. And it’s raining. I love to dance in the rain. Something about feeling adventurous and free spirited. Its refreshing. Just like jumping in puddles can remincse childhood memories. When things are crappy though you look at the rain and perhaps you sigh because the storms have just begun. Although yes Jesus would want us to dance in the midst of the storm because a storm never lasts. And I guess it comes into the foundation thing if you build a house out of wood or one out of stone which would whether the storm? Perhaps we were made with Christ to withstand the storms of lives together because on our own we will never learn to dance in the rain.

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