An unbeliever with faith?

“I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” (Luke 7:9)
This Roman army commander was a model unbeliever.
He was not Jewish, and did not share their faith… but he was a good man.
Jesus Himself was impressed by this man’s faith, not just his good deeds.
I was taught to think that non-Christians could not be or do good.
At least not the kind of good that God recognized or valued.
We cannot be good without God, that morality requires true faith…
Morality does require God, but I also think God is at work in non-believers.
God’s Spirit is at work in every heart, calling them to Himself (Acts 17:27-28).
Everyone is made in God’s image, and has something of God in the ruins of their soul.
All humans love, think, create – and do good – despite their sinful limitations.
But is it enough to save them, to be counted towards them as righteousness?
Good deeds do not save us, neither do words of faith… it all depends on the heart.
Like this man, I believe there are those outside of ‘faith’ whose hearts are open to God.
They may have different or strange ideas of God, or perhaps not believe in God at all.
But when they finally stand before God and Jesus, their hearts will naturally bow down.
We should be open to others – whether they believe or not – for God is still at work in them.
We may be surprised where we find ‘great faith’… among those we didn’t expect it from.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to see the ‘good people’ around me as those in whom You are working. Help me to see that I am no better or worse than them, that I need mercy and help just like everyone else.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    A centurion – hated by the locals because they were under his power. A foreigner.
    A centurion who treated his servant well – and not like others – like a possession.
    A centurion who also used the Jews for his purposes, the people who hated him.
    The centurion who was despised by the Jews and probably made fun of by other Romans who could not understand how he treated servants and Jews.
    Yet the centurion in faith believes in the authority of Christ and expects great things. He wanted Jesus to heal his servant.
    Amid the ridicule, the centurion stands strong in his faith and he expects great things from the Master.
    I too need to stand up for Jesus at all times. Increase my faith Lord.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone;
    The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
    Put on the Gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
    Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.

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