This is my story, too!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 3:23-38
He was the son, so it was thought, of Joseph… the son of Adam, the son of God. (Luke 3:23,38)
Genealogies (or family trees) can give us a sense of connection to our past.
We see that we are a part of a bigger story, part of a bigger family.
Luke includes Jesus’ family tree, probably through His mother’s lineage.
(This explains why the names here don’t match the genealogy in Matthew 1).
Luke is connecting Jesus to the whole human family, going back to Adam.
God has just declared that Jesus is His much-loved, well-pleasing son (v.22).
And now Jesus’ lineage is traced back to Adam, another much-loved, well-pleasing son of God.
Adam was created by God as His child, in His image and likeness.
But then humanity (Adamkind) rebelled and stepped away from God’s love and will.
History becomes a long sad line of rebellion, immorality, misery, despair.
But despite all this, God’s promise that a seed of the woman (a son of Adam) would come.
He would reverse the curse, crush the serpent, and restore God’s family (Genesis 3:15).
Jesus is the promised son of Adam, the son of God – Genesis 1:26-28 restored.
The curse is broken, we are reconnected to our family tree, to Adam, to God.
We are God’s much-loved, well-pleasing children again, because of Jesus.
This is my story, this is my family tree, I am connected, I belong, I am loved.
“See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, there is a lot in my own story, and in my history, that is not lovable or pleasing. But though the mess I see the messiah, and I have hope. I see You in me, and me in You, and I have hope. I am forgiven, I am God’s much-loved, well-pleasing child, thanks to You!


  1. This is sort of what you talked about today. Well, really point on. Today, watching the two babies get blessed I felt two things. I mean don’t get me wrong the joy and hope that was blessed over those two was a beautiful thing. The blessing of being adopted and chosen to become part of a family is truly an amazing blessing.

    On the other hand my soul felt heavy for these two precious babies. They are at such an innocent state about to be recieved by parents who choose to love them but the amount of questions these two will grow up with or the struggle of all the questions they may have one day that cannot be answered when kids at school pick on them for being adopted (sadly it still happens). My heart is heavy that they won’t remember that they are loved and that He is pleased with them.

    I wish more than anything that they don’t go through the vicious cycle of the fears and longing that sometimes aren’t even known about until they reach adolescent. I pray against it. I pray their future is secure in Christ and that they are reminded they are loved and worthy. So that they do not ever feel the opposite. Sometimes I feel its too late for us older adults who were already broken as children to become unbroken. It seems as hope is all lost and that our future is already written in stone. It is easier to build children up then it is to repair a broken adult. Even if its too late for me, my hope is the world stops robbing children of their innocents and that God really pushes through and advocates for them so that they never forget that He loves them just like He loved Adam. That’s the world I dream of.

  2. Observations/Application
    Jesus, the Son of God.
    God knows our names.
    He knows my name.
    And we all have a history and here it also shows that He is the Son of God and the Son of man. And as such He came to redeem us from our sin.
    For all the doubters, Luke shows us once again that Jesus is the Messiah in this royal lineage – born of a woman therefore man and yet of God – truly man and also truly God. What a Saviour!
    I have a Maker
    He Formed My Heart
    Before even time began
    My life was in his hands

    He knows my name
    He knows my every thought
    He sees each tear that falls
    And hears me when I call

    I have a father
    He calls me his own
    He’ll never leave me
    No matter where I go

    He knows my name
    He knows my every thought
    He sees each tear that falls
    And hears me when I call

    He hears me when I call…
    He hears me when I call…
    He hears me when I call… (you are my father and I love you)
    He hears me when I call… (you are my father and I love you)
    He hears me when I call… (you are my father and I love you)
    He hears me when I call… (you are my father and I love you)

    He knows my name
    He knows my every thought
    He sees each tear that falls
    And hears me when I call

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