Wake up call!

“Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.” (Luke 3:4)
Here God uses John – a wilderness prophet – to prepare people for Jesus.
John caught peoples’ attention with his extreme ways and words.
“John wore clothing made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist, and he ate locusts and wild honey.” (Mark 1:6)
Often it takes an extreme or strong experience to wake up a slumbering audience.
God uses many such experiences to shake us and wake us up, to see what really matters.
A heart attack, a near miss on the highway, a conflict at work, a pink slip, a rebuke from a friend?
These extreme measures may seem harsh, but often that is what it takes.
Think of a family’s desperate intervention for an alcoholic, harsh but necessary.
The goal is always repentance, literally to rethink our lives and attitudes.
Often it is because of difficult times that people finally surrender to God and Jesus.
And there they find that He is everything they needed, and more.
God wants to help us, to save us, to make life better for us and for all.
But until our hearts are ready to see it, we will miss out on it.
And He will continue to send us ‘prophets’ like John to shake us, to wake us up.
And when we finally look up to God in desperate help, we will see Jesus, arms open wide.
“And all people will see God’s salvation.” (Luke 1:6)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You want what is best for me, and for everyone. Help me not to wait for more extreme measures before I rethink my life, and come to You for help and hope.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    John – the connection of the OT and the NT. Like a prophet of the OT the Word of the Lord came to him. He pointed to the coming Christ. But he was also a witness and a martyr proclaiming that Word. He served preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. John knew of the repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Christ Jesus. He brought that new vision to the people.
    And I need eyes to see the same – the joy of Christmas come and will come again. Christ has come. Christ is here. Christ will come again. And I His servant need to share that good news as I serve Him in all I do and say.
    Lord, help me to be a living witness to Your Truth.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek
    Lord, let me lift up, those who are weak.
    And may the pray’r of my heart always be;
    Make me a servant, make me a servant,
    Make me a servant, today.

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