A life of purpose!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 2:41-52
“Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)
Here is an example of where Jesus had to learn submission and wisdom.
Jesus was not being rude or disobedient, He was sincerely doing what he thought was right.
As a child He did not do things selfishly or with a rebellious motive.
He sensed deep within that His calling was to serve God and His kingdom.
He did not know yet what this all meant, but He learned it, the same way we learn.
After this episode, He willingly went home “and was obedient to them.” (Luke 3:51)
Jesus did NOT have perfect God knowledge or understanding or power… He was fully human.
According to Philippians 2, He “emptied” Himself of these abilities (Philippians 2:6-8)
Granted, He did not have a sinful heart, but He still had to learn and grow like us.
Our struggle, like Jesus, is to figure out how to fulfill His mission through our lives.
We are called to live for the kingdom of God in this world, in our context.
I have my life context, and you have yours… and Jesus had His.
We learn by trial and error, exploration and discovery, humility and sincerity.
And we learn by submission to God and those around us, learning and growing with them.
How am I fulfilling God’s purpose for me in my life?
How do the realities and responsibilities of my life shape how I fulfill that purpose?
As you pray about this and pursue this with sincerity and commitment, you will grow!
“Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 3:52)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, like You I need to learn and grow in discovering and fulfilling my purpose. Renew Your purpose in me, and help me to know how to fulfill it in the context of my life.


  1. I find this one challenging. Let’s say there are two types of people. One knows what their purpose is but doesn’t live it. The second type has no clue what their purpose is, therefore does not live it. I find myself in the middle of the two. What is even our purpose? Is it to love God first and live like He did? Is it to struggle each day while you feel you are fighting a hell on earth? Is it to love our neighbours like our brothers and sisters when you don’t want to? It is reassuring to know that Jesus did not know everything about God. It is reassuring to know that He was once human. That is why it is easier to relate to Jesus and why I think God made him human. So that we could relate to the daily struggles we continue to go through, and be reminded of hope that lived in His son.

    It is so incredibly hard to live a Jesus life in today’s world. First we have to look within our own-selves, admit that we need Jesus and then try to fulfill His mission in the world. Well, whats rebuking me is that if I can’t look within my own to see what needs to be addressed, or changed, or renewed upon. No wonder I am so angry. No I wonder I am not living my purpose. By my own act of free will, I have decided to let the hell on earth captivate my heart.

    The only mission I am fulfilling momentarily is the world. Though, that is where I don’t want to be. That is my trial and error, discovery and exploration. That is the struggle. That is why sometimes, we are called born again Christians because we learn and grow every single day we walk on this earth. And we won’t stop learning till the day we die.

    – Perfect submission, all is at rest. I in my Saviour am happy and blessed.
    I am angry. Angry at many things, some of which are external, internal, whatever it may be. Though, my weary soul can find rest because I in my Saviour, somewhere, deep down am happy and blessed.

  2. Observations/Application
    Searching for ‘their lost child.’ Thinking Jesus was with the company traveling and they found out that He wasn’t, they must have been ‘out of their minds.’ Yet in an amazed state they asked why He treated them this way.
    He was doing the Lord’s work. But the parents didn’t understand. His plans – God’s plans – and theirs were on different tracks. Yet Christ was obedient and followed them home.
    Three days. They found Him after three days.
    Jesus was doing what they didn’t expect – doing God’s will. And every child needs to do the same – growing in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man.
    Even today, I must do the same in my growing.

    I asked the Lord that I might grow
    In faith, and love, and every grace;
    Might more of His salvation know,
    And seek, more earnestly, His face.

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