His hand is on me too!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Luke 1:57-66
“For the Lord’s hand was with him.” (Luke 1:66)
The details surrounding John’s birth caught peoples’ attention.
A barren older lady becomes pregnant, her husband loses his voice, in the temple!
And then this naming incident – everybody! names their first son after the father.
That Zechariah agrees with this radical naming adds to the shock.
And then he regains his voice, and bursts out in praise to God.
For an occupied nation, an oppressed people, these signs would give them hope.
Too many signs that God is at work, that God is up to something.
The people are talking, the people are wondering.
This may seem like a stretch to you, but I think we should all view our lives this way.
To see the details surrounding our lives, the good and the bad, as signs.
God is up to something, God is at work, and we are a part of that plan.
“I tell you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet the one who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.” (Luke 7:28)
John was important in the pre-Messiah days; but post-Messiah even the small are important.
The Lord’s hand is with you too, and the details of your life are a part of that.
Like Zechariah and Elizabeth, be faithful as you watch and wait to see what God is up to.
And when you see signs of it, join with Zechariah in bursting out in praise!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, sometimes we feel small, unimportant. Give us a sense of divine destiny, of sacred significance. Help us to see that the details in our lives are signs too that Your hand is with us!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    People share their joys in community and also their sorrows. To be childless caused great shame then and now at their age, God blessed them. Somehow Elizabeth knew to call her son John – God is gracious and not Zacharias as was the custom to name the son after the father. Zacharias means the one Yaweh remembers. And the people were amazed at the naming. And the birth of a child then and also today, people wonder, the parents wonder what the child is going to be.
    Then and today, God’s hand was/is upon His children.
    How do I see His hand upon me?
    Where did I see God yesterday and where will I see Him today?
    Open my eyes Lord that I see Your graciousness daily and that You remember Your people always.
    You are my God and I will praise You.

    God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise you
    Oh God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise you

    I will seek You in the morning
    And I will learn to walk in Your ways
    And step by step You’ll lead me
    And I will follow You all of my days

    God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise you
    Oh God, You are my God
    And I will ever praise you

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