Deeper, stronger prayer

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 9:25-29
“This kind can come out only by prayer.” (Mark 9:29)
Some versions include the words ‘and fasting’.
Fasting is an intense way of praying; I see the words as repetition.
Somehow the disciples were not able to drive out the spirit (v.18).
They had done so on other occasions, what was different now?
Did they pray other times, but not this time?
Did they use a different way of driving out demons… but this one needed prayer?
Are there different ‘kinds’ of spirits?
Or is it more about the degree, how deeply embedded the spirit was in the boys life?
In Matthew 17:14-21, the problem seems to be the level of disciples’ faith.
Lots of questions, and I am not quick to come to conclusions on the details.
But I have experienced different kinds of situations requiring different levels of engagement.
One person may respond immediately to spiritual encouragement, others are more resistant.
Some people will require lots of prayer and intensity, and the faith to keep at it.
I’ve given up in the past when my spiritual care did not help.
But instead of giving up, I should give over the concern to God (in prayer).
And keep on loving, praying, engaging in faith, waiting for God to do His part.
Pastoral, spiritual care will often require intense levels of faith and prayer.
In fact, as I write this, I am convicted about a situation I am dealing with…
I need to strengthen the intensity of our prayers!!!!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, as I write this, I see how it applies to myself. Thank You for reminding me about the need for deeper, stronger prayer. May we see the results like this boy did!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    Satan’s hold is powerful and he doesn’t want to let go. He is the death of this boy and us if Christ had not come along. Satan finally has to let go because Christ is victorious. The battle is won but not without a fight. That is why the boy seemed like dead. Satan’s last hold over the boy but now satan has been defeated and can never enter the boy again.
    The disciples could not heal the boy at this time as Christ had said that it can only come out by prayer. All healings are not instant. Healings may also take time. Time spent in prayer. Even today, parents pray for their children who have gone wayward. They pray everyday. Helping those in need – poverty, addiction, life style, etc are not necessarily healed with a prayer or laying on of hands, but with ongoing prayers and supplications.
    A prayer warrior I must be.
    Renew and strengthen me Lord so that I may be a healing balm for those around me.

    There is a balm in Gilead
    To make the wounded whole;
    There is a balm in Gilead
    To heal the sin sick soul.

    Some times I feel discouraged,
    And think my work’s in vain,
    But then the Holy Spirit
    Revives my soul again.


    If you can’t preach like Peter,
    If you can’t pray like Paul,
    Just tell the love of Jesus,
    And say He died for all.

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