Attitudes that degrade

THE STORY OF JESUS: Mark 7:24-30
“It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.” (Mark 7:27)
This hardly seems a Jesus-like thing – or a God-like – thing to say.
Calling someone a dog was an ancient insult, before domestication they were considered dirty.
It was a common way of calling someone ‘low-life’, less than human.
So why does Jesus resort to this, so uncharacteristic of Him?
My sense of this difficult passage is as follows:
(1) Vitriolic banter was very common between the Canaanites and the Jews.
(2) This woman had also shared in this attitude toward the Jews, seeing them as dogs.
(3) Jesus knows this woman’s heart, both her pain but also her cruelty to Jews.
(4) Jesus uses her own language against her, and the woman knows it.
(5) She does not dispute it, but humbly accepts his rebuke by calling herself a dog.
(6) Jesus loves her, sees her humility, and honours her request.
Jesus does not normally refuse to help non-Jews, and here to He is ready to help.
He heals her daughter, but also her attitude… her heart.
“For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that malice, slander and arrogance come…”
What are the attitudes of our heart that need healing?
Where am I guilty of seeing or treating others as less than human.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it bothers you when we treat others as less than human. This happens all the time in our world, and it is wrong. Show me where I am guilty of this and heal me of this impure spirit.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Jews and Gentiles.
    No hatred lost between them.
    The women was outside the circle and yet she came to Jesus for healing.
    During this time dogs roamed the streets and the food given to the dogs were less than bread. It was waste and the dogs were less than dogs – hogs? They were a threat to the children of the day. The woman knew Christ’s rebuke and also knew that even though a dog – a friendly dog at that – she would be satisfied with even a small scrap of bread from the Master’s table. That’s all she needed. Christ had shown mercy to the Gentiles in the past and she was convinced He would show it to her. God’s mercy and love at work. All was not lost. Healing took place.
    I too need a change in heart and show that His love and mercy is for all and that love can/may also flow through me. Use me Lord as an instrument of Your peace.

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

    You are the potter
    I am the clay
    Mold me and make me
    This is what I pray

    Change my heart oh God
    Make it ever true
    Change my heart oh God
    May I be like You

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